Task Management

What is the Kanban method?

The kanban method is a method invented as a tool for production planning and progress management on the manufacturing line in the Toyota Production System, a production system that originated in Japan. It was later applied to software development and business process improvement.

Kanban, which means "signboard" in Japanese, refers to cards of different colors and shapes used to manage parts and products on a production line. By managing products and parts with kanban, inventory control and production planning can be made more efficient.

Scrum development

Scrum development is a type of agile development, a method of efficiently advancing a project by dividing the project into fixed periods (called sprints), checking the progress of the team through daily Scrum meetings, and making changes flexibly.

In Scrum development, development teams are self-organized, tasks are assigned within the team, and progress is shared in daily Scrum meetings. Team members themselves take responsibility for the project, rather than the project manager or supervisor giving instructions.

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